Werehunter & Other Stories by Mercedes Lackey

This is a collection of short fantasy, science-fiction and urban fantasy stories by Mercedes Lackey. The stories are generally entertaining, quick to read and "fluffy". My favourite stories included those with a protective, homicidal Teddybear; a genetically enhanced, telepathic spaceship cat; an AI with a personality; the story titled "roadkill"; and the two stories involving the girls and the parrot. The author does tend to "info-dump" a bit too much. This is especially evident with the 4 'SKitty stories, where the plot of the previous story is explained in the current story. This might be useful if you haven't read the previous stories, or there are years between publications, but in this book the 'SKitty stories all follow each other, and the info-dump gets annoying. Still, each story makes for a fun and relaxing read before bedtime.
NOTE: This anthology also has a prologue in which Lackey talks about her job/hobby as a raptor rehabilitator. This was very interesting and intense.