The Wayward Lemon & the Garrulous Gnome by Lynton Johnson

The Wayward Lemon and the Garrulous Gnome - Lynton Johnson

TITLE: The Wayward Lemon & the Garrulous Gnome: A Good Old-Fashioned Gardening Manual

AUTHOR: Lynton Johnson


FORMAT: Paperback

ISBN-13: 9781868700264

"Join well-known horticulturist and radio personality Lynton Johnston as he rambles through his garden and those of others. Enjoy the anecdotes, share in his thoughts, and discover the fasination of gardening and gardening lore. Learn about knock-rocks, herbies, ballerinas and wayward lemons. Find out more about making compost (and how not to make it), growing your own fruit and beggies, and building ponds or other garden structures. Learn what to do in your brand-new garden-to-be once the builders have left (and left you all their rubble), or how to turn an inherited garden into your own creation. And read about green means to get rid of bugs, beasties and other farden nasties (excluding garrulous or silent gnomes)."


A rather rambling, if amusing and informative, book containing gardening advice for the novice.