What a Fish Knows: The Inner Lives of Our Underwater Cousins by Jonathan Balcombe
A beautifully written book that summarises the life of fishes - what they see, hear, small, taste, touch, navigate, feel. If they feel pain and if they are aware. Do they have fun? The author also discusses what a fish thinks and if they are intelligent and if they can use tools. The social contracts, co-operation and fish democracy involved in fishey lives, as well as the strange variety of breeding and parenting methods make for interesting reading. As the author says: "fishes are individuals", and he does a good job in showing why he thinks that. The book contains minimal amount of fluff and so many interesting goodies. It is well worth the reading time, even if you aren't a fish fanatic. The book comes with a nice selection of colour photographs.
PS: Fishes like cuddles too. ;)