The Hyena Scientist by Sy Montgomery & Nic Bishop

The Hyena Scientist  - Sy Montgomery, Anne Bishop

The Hyena Scientist is a book written with 10-12 year old's in mind.  However, I'm sure most adults can get something out of it as well.  In this book Montgomery and Bishop take a tour through the Hyena research station in Kenya lead by zoologist Kay Holecamp.  The book reads like a travelogue with intersting bits about the spotted hyenas that this group studies, along with a nail-biting episode of floods and getting stuck in mud.  There are also short biographical sections for the scientists and assistants that operate this particular research station.  The main attraction of this book are the numerous (every single page!) colour photographs of spotted hyenas (fascinating creatures!) and other wildlife.  This is a good inspirational and educational book for children.